Knowsley Rail Loading Transfer Station (SITA) - Secant Pile Wall & Passive Ties
Byland Engineering Limited were appointed by Van Elle Limited to undertake the design of a restricted access secant pile wall and passive ties at Knowsley Rail Transfer Loading Station, Merseyside.
Poole Harbour South Quay - New Port Facility
Byland Engineering prepared conforming and alternative tender designs and then assisted Bam Nuttall Limited in negotiating a contract to design and construct a new 200m long x 40m wide tied-back steel combi-wall for the Port of Poole.
Galaxy House, Croydon
Van Elle Limited appointed Byland Engineering to undertake the design of a deep basement and bearing piles for a new development on the site of Galaxy House, Croydon.
Fisher Street, Newcastle - Permanent Soil Nail Wall
Byland Engineering Limited has recently completed the design of a 10m high by 200m long 65° permanent soil nailed wall at Fisher Street, Newcastle for a specialist sub-contractor A & J Geotechnical.
Mercia Energy from Waste - Anchored Secant Pile Wall
Following on from a successful tender, Byland Engineering, working for specialist piling subcontractor Van Elle carried out the Eurocode compliant detailed design of a permanent anchored secant pile wall for Mercia Energy from Waste (EfW).
A1CH2MC - Soil Nail Strengthened Earthworks
Byland Engineering have recently completed the permanent works design of soil nail strengthened earthwork slopes to permit highway widening on the A1 Coal House to Metro Centre (A1CH2MC) Improvement scheme in Newcastle.